Ditmar Messerschmidt

3D concept artist

Creating weapons and machines of war

I’m a 3D concept artist located in the Netherlands. I'm a bachelor graduate with honours from HKU, and I specialize in firearms design. My aim is to help revolutionize the world of shooters and add more character and depth to videogame firearms.

With my hands-on approach, willingness to learn, extensive knowledge of firearms design and my ability to balance creativity and function, I’m able to create unique guns for any setting and timeframe. From concepts to models to animations, I've got it covered!

I'm always open for a chat about games and weapons!

Contact me and check out my socials:



Internship 2023 - Iron Harvest fan animation

Designing a fortress mech inspired by the French military during the First World War, made during my internship at Janovich.

Graduation 2024 - Gunpowder Elves

Creating firearms for a fantasy environment with a focus on player interaction and experience.


Various projects I've worked on.